When you spot a patch of mold or mildew, your UV light for HVAC in Shepherdsville, KY keeps active spores from spreading. It does the same for viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms and pathogens. Using potent sanitizing UV light, it’s mounted by our Absolute Services technician in your ductwork, so your circulating air passes by with a germicidal effect.

You won’t see the telltale bluish light from your HVAC UV light, since it’s enclosed in your ductwork where it does its work. It’s the same kind of UV energy that’s used in medical and food service environments, neutralizing airborne microorganisms. Maintenance is simple, and can be performed during your regular HVAC care visits.

If you’re experiencing mold and mildew growth, allergies and asthma, or other signs of airborne trouble, at Absolute Services we can help. You might even find that organisms in your ductwork are releasing the familiar “dirty sock” smell. We have the solution.