Where does excess moisture cause trouble in your home, and how can a whole house dehumidifier in Bardstown, KY help? With humid summers here, moisture can rise above the government recommended 30-50 percent relative humidity causing many health, property and comfort issues. Absolute Services can help.

Most people find that rising humidity levels add discomfort, which you shouldn’t have to experience in your home. Moisture in the air can also affect furniture and other items and condense in cool spaces, allowing mold and mildew to grow. Room and basement dehumidifiers for house use require regular emptying and cleaning, but a central unit just keeps on adding comfort.

While air conditioning reduces humidity while it’s running, you don’t want to chill your home just to get the moisture out. A Absolute Services home dehumidifier installation and thermostat-style controls keep your humidity levels just right, independent of heating and cooling.