When your sewer line is functioning properly, you probably don’t think about it very often. It works quietly in the background, carrying wastewater from your toilets, sinks, and tubs to the main sewer system in your neighborhood. If your sewer line gets clogged, however, you can end up with foul odors, sewage leaks, and other unpleasant problems. Fortunately, Absolute Services offers high-quality sewer line repair in Lexington, KY.
In some cases, sewer line replacement is a better option than sewer line repair. For example, if you have corroded pipes, repairs are only a temporary measure. Sewer line replacement is also a good option if you want to increase the capacity of your sewer line. You may need a larger sewer line if you plan to expand your property. In either case, it’s important to hire a professional to do the work.